Sunday, January 10, 2010

Date Night - A New Venture

So Kacey and I are starting this new trend.  A monthly feast at some popular local restaurants.  We went to Midtown Cafe in downtown Nashville yesterday.   If you want to keep up with these, we are going to have a scoring system and at the end of the year we will see who wins.  Our rules are simple, enjoy a night out at least once a month, and enjoy a really fancy night out (Dress Up) at least once a quarter.
Here is the scale:  0 = Bad & 5 =  Great

We started with lobster ravioli.  We gave it a 4.5.
Next was the main course:
  Kacey had Crab cakes and broccoli.  She gave it a 4.8
  I had a 5oz beef filet with scallops and a twice baked potato.  Filet = 4.  Scallops = 4.5.  Potato = 4.5

Average for the meal = 4.46 on the Bell Scale.  Not too bad!  Thanks Midtown Cafe!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Love the updates, keep 'em coming! Midtown cafe sounds pretty good, and the food sounds fancier than the outside looks!